ラベル super seven の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル super seven の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


Nice Pleasure of Caterham

Tony Fernandes ( F-1 Team Lotus Owner ) によるCaterham の買収劇は、

FernandesAutocar 誌 に語った所によると、彼は 従来からのケーターハムの伝統を
又、新しいマーケットの開拓にもなる 様々な企画を、Team Lotus の名のもとに

また、ケーターハムの実質的なオーナーであった ベンチャー・キャピタルのCOVERN は、
これによって退去するが、現場の社長であるAnsar Ali は留まる事になった。
この7月のBritish Grand Prix では、CaterhamF1 でのTeam Lotus の傘下に

をやるワケではない。 "Seven の真髄は全てに優先する ! " と言う事である。
(ちなみに、ロータス本社は、"全然別な改革” を目指している。)

更に、FernandesAutocar の質問に答えて、
" 我々は, F1 チームを運営することが、ロードカー・ビジネスにも転嫁できる事を
ケーターハムとF1 というシンボライズなジョイントこそ、しごく当然な帰結である。" と語った。

[Press Release / 27. April]

Team Lotus Enterprise purchases Caterham Cars Exciting future
for British sportscar brand

Team Lotus Enterprise today announces that it has purchased
British sportscar maker Caterham Cars.

The acquisition by Tony Fernandes, Kamarudin Meranun and SM Nasarudin,
the men behind the Team Lotus Formula 1 squad, from the shareholder
consortium led by Corven Ventures, will see
the legendary lightweight sportscar manufacturer expand its brand
profile and product family.

The acquisition of Caterham Cars by Team Lotus Enterprise will not only
signal the continued development of the legendary Seven, but will provide
Caterham with the platform to apply its philosophy of 'adding lightness'
to exciting new models for the 21st Century.

This exciting new era for Caterham will be led by the company's existing
management team, headed up by Caterham Cars Managing Director Ansar Ali.

Ansar's direction has been responsible for energising Caterham's
export prowess during the last five years, creating the iconic
Superlight R500 - Top Gear's Car of the Year for 2008 - and Caterham's
first brand new model in 15 years, the stunning SP/300.R sports prototype racer.

As custodians of Colin Chapman's two-seater Seven since 1973,
Caterham has been responsible for the evolution of a car originally conceived
as a 'fit for purpose' race-car for the road in 1957.

Today, the Seven is arguably the benchmark for the perfect balance
between power and intuitive, user-friendly handling, and in spite of its years
remains one of the most raced cars in the world. It has also been
the inspiration for the recently-launched Caterham-Lola SP/300.R
for the race and track day community.

Tony Fernandes said: "Caterham has a unique place at the heart of
the motoring world. As well as being proudly and staunchly British,
it has an enviable and uniquely unblemished reputation within
the industry for performance, handling and engineering excellence.

"Caterham Cars has remained wholly faithful to Colin Chapman's philosophy
of 'less is more', and the DNA of the original Seven can still be traced to
the newest additions to Caterham's product offering.

"It is already a successful business with sales across Europe, Japan,
Australia and the Middle East, and under the guidance of
the existing management team,we now have all the ingredients
and the launch pad to further evolve that spirit and take Caterham
to new exciting horizons with innovative products and
greater global brand exposure.

" Caterham Cars, Managing Director, Ansar Ali, added:
"This is yet another exciting chapter in the Caterham story.
Until now, the resources Caterham has had at its disposal have,
naturally, limited the exposure of the Caterham experience and
the legendary Seven has had to rely almost entirely on its remarkable
reputation and legacy.

"We will remain entirely true to the philosophy that we,
as custodians of one man's motoring concept, have protected
for nearly 40 years.

"However, the acquisition of the company by Team Lotus Enterprise
will allow our existing management team to take Caterham's core spirit
of pure driving enjoyment to a hitherto un-served audience.

"While the Seven will now have the global springboard it deserves
and will continue to be evolved yet further, we also have
the opportunity to expand the Caterham family beyond the Seven
and SP/300.R and breathe new life into our uniquely respected brand
and mature it into a truly global business."


To celebrate its new ownership, iconic British sportscar marque
Caterham Cars will build a limited run of Team Lotus Special Edition Sevens.

Just 25 of the Team Lotus upgrade packages, which can be applied
to any variant up to the top-of-the-range 263bhp, 150mph Superlight R500,
will be built in the UK, with the same number allocated to
the Company's thriving export markets.

For an additional £3,000 over the price of your chosen car, the Sevens
will be specially-liveried in the famous green and yellow colours of
Lotus and will come with a raft of bespoke Team Lotus additions.

Included in the upgrade package will be an invitation to a customised
tour of the Team Lotus F1 factory in Hingham, Norfolk.

As custodians of Colin Chapman's original '50s concept
for the Seven since 1973, Caterham Cars' current product range remains
true to Chapman's philosophy of lightweight, minimalist sportscars.

Outside, the cars will be coated in a Team Lotus-inspired livery
and the theme continues in the cockpit, with a plaque carrying
the signatures of Team Lotus F1 drivers, Jarno Trulli and
Heikki Kovalainen. Owners will also receive a Seven history book
signed by chief designer, Mike Gascoyne.

Caterham managing director, Ansar Ali, said:
"Caterham Cars is starting an exciting and hugely important chapter,
so it's entirely fitting that we celebrate our opportunity to take
Colin Chapman's 'less is more' philosophy global, with this special car.

"Owners of the Special Edition Sevens will have not only a fabulous
British sportscar, but a genuine piece of automotive history in their garage."

[Source: Team Lotus]


Company sold to Asia

Caterham and LOLA - SP/300.R

Tony Fernandes 率いるTeam Lotus は、来週の水曜日にDuxford 飛行場で
併せて、F1チーム関連の"exciting announcement" を発表する模様だ。

現在 Caterham は、本来の創業者であったGraham Nearn がその生前、
Covern Venture と タイアップした元ロータスのゼネラル・マネージャーである
Ansar Ali に売却して、その生産が続けられていたが、このたび再度、
Ali から Fernandes に引き継がれることになる。
Fernandes は現在、AirAsia のオーナーでもある。

但し、Team Lotus の名前が、いきなり、Caterham になる事は無いだろうが、
exciting な発表をすると言ってるので、チョットしたサプライズはあるかも。
しかし、Fernandes がケーターハムを買うという事だけでも、充分なサプライズ
ではあるのだが。それとも、ロータス本社との間で燻ぶっていた"Team Lotus" の
商標の使用権について、決着が着いたのだろうか?  さて、いかに !

[source autocar]