
Ford GT40

[ Laguna Seca 2010 15th Aug ]
Lagna Seca には、様々なアイコンを持ったクルマが存在するが、
毎回登場する中で重要なトップ・スリーは、やはりこの"Ford GT40"
をおいて 他ならない。

DaytonaSebribg、 Riverside、 Nassau 等のレース・シーンや、
ヨーロッパの数々のサーキットでの"大活躍" は、永遠に記憶から

今年のラグナ・セカ のトリとなった ダン・ガーニーはじめ、
名だたる有名ドライバーがドライブし、Shelby American
Alan Man Racing、Holman Moody 等の有力レーシング・チーム

GT40 は、プロト・タイプを含めて133台が製作されたが、
それが終了した10年後から、フォードから版権を取得した 英国の
Safir Engineering Mk-Ⅴとして、正式なシャシー・ナンバーを添えて、

[source Classiccarforsale]
This Ford GT40 is one of the 40 assembled by JWA and Peter Thorp ( Safir ) in the 80s with Ford’s agreement. JWA who used to build on behalf of Ford GT40 Mark I and III 4,7 liter from 1967 to 1969 numbered this new serial at the end of the first, as a consequence the first Mark V was numbered : “P/1090” which was completed in 1981. These cars are extremely faithful to the first serial as a large part of the original tooling was used, some new building proceeds allowed to make lighter and more rigid chassis. Due to different upgrades the Mark Vs are very easy to use.The subject car, “GT40 P/1129” is part of a serial of 5 MKV cars built upon special order to Mark II specifications and its “big Block” which won Daytona, Sebring and Le Mans in 1966. Lightly departing from originality a 8.1 liter alloy engine producing 600 HP was preferred by Safir Engineering, instead of the heavy all-iron 7 liter of the Mark IIs. The performances are breathtaking, similar to the best modern “supercars” the top speed given for ... 350 km/h. Still into the hands of the first owner, this fabulous car only recorded 33 miles on the clock, which was confirmed by Peter Thorp to be no more than the distance between his house and his workshop. Indeed mister Thorp drove all of the MKVs before delivery, no need to say that this GT40 is in as new condition and very probably very the last “new” GT40 available. It’s fully road legal and registered as a “1966” car. The Mark Vs being authentic GT40s, they are registered with the Mark I, II, III and IV in the “World Shelby Registry” edited by the reputed Shelby American Car Club, which compiles the records about all the authentic Shelby, Cobra and GT40s built. They are Ford, JWA and SCCA agreed cars and are not to be compared with various wild and unauthorised replicas, as close to the original they might be. MK V Chassis P/1129, one of the 5 built to MKII specifications with a Big Block 600 HP engine, never used delivery mileage, new condition. It is most probably the last new GT40 available.

現在その製作は終了しているものの、SafirGT40 は " 限りなく本物"
そのGT40 は、年間2~3台が造られていたのだ !

私自身にとっても、GT40 には格別の思い入れがあり、自分の人生が
"最高....." だ !!