
Just Lotus

[pic. insideline]

今年のF1シーズンでは、Lotus は2チーム体制で参戦している
"Team Lotus" とうい銘々の使用権をめぐってマレーシア政府をも後ろ盾にした
Tony Fernandes と、Chapman の流れを汲む 本国の"Group Lotus" との間で、
ここしばらく継続していた"争いごと" によって、2つのロータスがF1 サーキットを
走る事になった。 どちらも それなりの結果を残しながら、善戦している。
しかし どうも、ロンドン高裁の判決によると、Group Lotus 側 に決着が着く事に
なりそうだが、微妙だ。 但、内容的には ”大岡裁き” になったと いとめないでもない。

昨日のAutocar のニュースによると、"Group Lotus has won its High Court battle
with Team Lotus over the use of the Lotus name in Formula One." と速報した。

まず、フエルナンデス側は、引き続き "Team Lotus" の名を使用することが出来る。
グループ・ロータスはライセンス協定を打ち切る"権利が有った" としたものだ。
フェルナンデスは、この流れのなかで、"技術的なミス" を犯したことを認める事に
なったようだ。但し、1985年までは当時の Team Lotus はF1の運営に関しては
Group Lotus からは独立して権利を有しており、これに関しては独立した諸権利が
引き続き存在するとされているとし、Group Lotus の主張は認められなかった。

Team Lotus を引き継いでいるフェルナンデス側は、引き続き "Team Lotus"

そして、"Group Lotus" は"Lotus Renault GP" の名のもとに、引き続き
ブラック・ゴールドのチーム・カラーを使用してF1を走らせる"権利" を獲得したと

一方、"Classic Teanm Lotus" の代表であるチャプマンの子息である
と述べ、ヘゼルがロータスの拠点であり、"Classic Teanm Lotus" としても
"Group Lotus" を全面支援する旨、公表していた。
グループ・ロータス / プロトン / チャプマン家 / フェルナンデス / マレーシアとの
クライブとは、ヘゼルの工房で会った事が有るが、とても穏やかで いい人柄だった。
でも 芯は強そうで、その辺は母親譲りか。

さて、フェルナンデスはCaterham の会社を手中に収めた直後の事でもあり、
今回の裁判的な決着により、今後 双方のチームがどの様な展開をしていくかは、
"Lotus" にとって本年注目のサプライズとなるかもしれない。

とりあえず、今週末はモナコGP か。東京は、フジテレビで23:15から。
同じく、今週末の INDY 500の放送は、こちら。
KV Racing / Lotus / 佐藤琢磨 / Powered by HONDA

Lotus T128

[Judgement Summary]
Group Lotus has the right to use the name “Lotus” on its own within Formula 1
Group Lotus entitled to race in the historic black and gold livery
1Malaysia Racing Team (1MRT) ruled to be in breach of licence agreement, Group Lotus awarded damages
Team Lotus Ventures Limited trademarks revoked for non-use
Group Lotus trade marks unaffected
Group Lotus has the right to use the Lotus marque on cars for road use
The Judge found that:
Group Lotus has goodwill associated with the name “Lotus” in Formula 1 and is free to compete in the sport under that name using the Lotus roundel;
Group Lotus is entitled to race in F1 using the historic black and gold livery;
1MRT is in breach of the Licence granted to them by Group Lotus to race in F1 under the name Lotus Racing and has awarded Group Lotus damages in respect of that breach;
Team Lotus Ventures Limited’s trade mark registrations in the name of Team Lotus are cancelled as a result of non-use;
Group Lotus trade mark registrations are unaffected; and
Group Lotus has the right to use the Lotus marque on cars for road use.

The Judge also found that Team Lotus has the right to continue to race in Formula 1 under the name Team Lotus but the effect of the Judgment is that only Group Lotus can use the name “Lotus” on its own in F1. Group Lotus is concerned that this aspect of the Judgment will cause confusion in the eyes of spectators and the wider public. Accordingly, Group Lotus is seeking leave to appeal so that the right to use the Lotus brand in Formula 1 is clarified once and for all in the interests of the sport and the fans. Group Lotus and its shareholder Proton Holding Bhd are confident of success on appeal.
Speaking after the judgement, Sarah Price, Head of Legal, Group Lotus plc said: “Group Lotus is pleased that its right to race under the Lotus name in F1 has been upheld and that the Defendants’ attempts to stop that have failed.
“The on-going dispute with Team Lotus and associated companies has been a cause for concern for all at Group Lotus. Despite the detailed judgment there are issues which still require clarification and we remain committed to obtaining this much needed clarity for the many fans of the Lotus marque – we are extremely grateful for their continued support. The decision to appeal has not been taken lightly.”
Meanwhile Team Lotus also claimed victory in the case
“Team Lotus is very happy that the court case concerning the rights to the Team Lotus name has today come to a positive conclusion and that the team can now focus its full attention on its long-term challenge for honours on and off track. The decision confirms that Team Lotus is the true owner of the full Team Lotus name and the iconic roundel, establishing in law that the Anglo-Malaysian team is the rightful heir to Team Lotus and all associated goodwill.”
Team Principal Tony Fernandes gave his comments on behalf of his fellow shareholders Kamarudin Meranun, SM Nasarudin and the 250 strong workforce based in Malaysia and Hingham, UK: “We are all pleased that it has been clarified that we are the rightful owners of Team Lotus. We have always been confident that the factual evidence we presented would lead to this decision and today’s judgment confirms that belief. We are of course disappointed about the decision that Group Lotus was entitled to end the our licence agreement in 2010. We entered into that contract on the basis that we were beginning a long-term partnership with Group Lotus but unfortunately they then used technical breaches of the merchandising pre-notification process to bring the licence and our partnership to an end. However, my fellow shareholders and I are firm believers that when one door closes another door opens. In the early days of our agreement we realised its termination was inevitable and as events have unfolded the end of the licence has proved positive for us, with many new avenues being opened up as a result.
[racecar engineering]