
Lotus in Goodwood

今年のGoodwood で、テーマ・カーとなっている ロータスは、
2010年のジュネーブ・ショーで公表した "Evora 414e Hybrid" のカット・モデルを
Goodwood で展示し、クルマは既に Hethel で 様々なテストを開始している。
発売についても "そんなに遠くない時期" とコメントするが まだ明確な答えは無く、

"414e" はリアに2基のモーターで合計 414馬力を有し、併せて充電用の

Hybrid Evora 414 Evolution

Lotus Engineering とオーディオのプロである HARMAN Automotive
コラボして開発した "HALOsonic Sound Synthesis System" は、
無音のEVが周囲に対して その存在感を伝え、街中の歩行者に対しての
"意思表示" をするものだ。 EVが 真近かに迫っても 気がつかないなんてことが

ちなみに、ロンドン市内は どんな路地裏でも歩道の無い道路は皆無だが、
その音は "7速パドルシフト" の操作に合せて 車内でも聞こえ、
ドライバーも 高速走行時には、それなりに雰囲気を楽しむことができる。
車外に対しても、75Km/h までの範囲だったら、クルマの前方60の範囲で
その"意思表示" ができる様だ。

HALOsonic: Sound Technology with Vision

Lotus and HARMAN have created a next generation intelligent pedestrian warning system, integrating the advanced HALOsonic sound synthesis system with video technology. This cutting-edge enhanced version of the HALOsonic safety system incorporates input from imaging sensors to enhance the quality of the sound synthesis system. HALOsonic has been developed specifically for electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.
The system on this latest version of HALOsonic , a collaboration between HARMAN and Lotus uses a single camera to determine the distance, trajectory and speed of pedestrians and other road users, calculating the risk of collision by comparing this information with the car’s path. The new HALOsonic system uses this data to actively control the volume of the External Sound Synthesis to warn pedestrians of the vehicle’s location, thereby improving pedestrian safety and reducing noise pollution. Under certain conditions the system will generate an audible and visual warning for the driver using the Internal Sound Synthesis and instrument panel.
The new active system is optimised to operate in urban environments where there is the greatest risk of a collision with a pedestrian. It is calibrated to actively control the volume and pitch of the sound synthesised while the vehicle is travelling from 0-75 km/h, continually evaluating the risk of a pedestrian collision and operating in an area up to 60 metres ahead of the vehicle. All of the HALOsonic systems are designed to use low levels of power and with the new active version there will be less power consumed as the system will only increase the volume when there is a risk of an impact.
This innovative new active safety system is integrated into the HALOsonic range of products, which includes: External Sound Synthesis, Internal Sound Synthesis, Road Noise Cancellation and Engine Order Cancellation. The HALOsonic range has been designed by Lotus Engineering and HARMAN Automotive and offers a production ready technology as a stand-alone or integrated ICE system solution.
Governments around the world have acknowledged the increased risk posed by almost silent vehicles and are in the process of drawing up legislation to compel car manufacturers to equip vehicles with pedestrian warning systems like the HALOsonic system.

尚、ジャガーの"XJ-e" とインフィニティの "Emerg-E" は、ロータスと共に
政府の技術戦略委員会から開発資金の援助を受けながら プロジェクトを進めて
おり、今回、これら3社のクルマは Goodwood の各々のブースに展示されている。
[Pic, Paul Tan's]